Dan Slott’s final story arc on The Amazing Spider-Man begins with this issue. Norman Osborn is ready to take down Spider-Man once and for all.
Writer: Dan Scott
Penciler: Stuart Immonen
Inker: Wade von Grawbadger
Color Artist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 marks the start of the “Go Down Swinging” story arc. From the name alone, we know that Dan Slott plans on ending his run with a bang. This issue has some horror-tinged moments that work pretty well.
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Right off the bat, we see Norman in a dark room with the main decorations being cobwebs and a single pumpkin. Norman also looks like he’s staring right at the reader, but we know he’s really talking to someone else in the room. Having Stuart Immonen back on art does make a bit of a difference. He excels in this issue, especially whenever Norman is on the page.
By the end of the issue, Norman remembers that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and it leaves us hanging there. That memory is bound to have extreme consequences. We also learn that the man he’s been talking to is J. Jonah Jameson.
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Peter Parker actually has the least interesting story. He’s at MJ’s apartment, but she tells him that they can’t be in a relationship again. It’s the right decision for the story. He doesn’t need another distraction with Osborn gunning for Spider-Man.
Next: Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #796
Peter doesn’t have a whole lot to do as Spider-Man or science editor at the Daily Bugle, which makes his story really feel secondary to Norman’s scheming. There’s a lot of different ways that this could go, but Norman spots Spider-Man leaving MJ’s apartment and that might be the first place he starts.
Overall, this issue has some great art and a partially good story. Norman Osborn seems like he’s in control for now, but we know that symbiotes can cause people to lose control. I’m along for the ride just to see how Slott wraps up his run.