1. Wilson Fisk
Nobody represents what it means to be a new age villain the way Wilson Fisk does. Being abused as a kid made him tougher as an adult. Seeing his father abuse his mother made him respect women. But seeing all of this injustice in the city he love made him want to make Hell’s Kitchen and New York better. Fisk’s passion is that of a superhero. And if we’re being honest, would we be calling him a villain if the ends justified the means?
What if all of Fisk’s extreme actions made New York a better place? We’d all ignore that he slammed a guy’s head into a door until it was paste. Sure, maybe we don’t forgive him for killing Ben Urich (an amazing scene), but his heart is in the right place.
Wilson Fisk isn’t a nice person and he knows it. In fact, he doesn’t try and hide it either. He means what he says and follows through with everything he says he would do.
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Vincent D’Onofrio’s character also isn’t scared to get his hands dirty. A lot of villains will delegate. Fisk wants to remind his workers that if expects them to kill, they better believe he will do the same. There isn’t a villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe like Wilson Fisk and we are just seeing the beginning of what is going to be a classic antagonist.