Avengers: Infinity War: 3 Soul Stone theories

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

1. Nick Fury has it

If anyone could hide an Infinity Stone from the universe, it’s Nick Fury. Nick Fury has taken the spy game and made it a lifestyle. He didn’t just write the book, he is the book. For years, Nick Fury has lied, cheated, and stolen to make certain that the world keeps spinning. There’s also a rumor that Nick Fury’s Secret War from the comics and the Kree/Skrull War will coincide in the Captain Marvel movie. Maybe Earth isn’t what the Kree and the Skrulls are fighting over. Maybe they got wind that Earth has an Infinity Stone and Nick Fury’s war had nothing to do with Latveria and everything to do with the Soul Stone. 

It’s absolutely possible for Nick Fury to have the Soul Stone. If Nick Fury ever got his hands on it, he would never let anyone know. Not even Phil Coulson. He’d even go so far as to act surprised when he saw the power of the Tesseract. Keeping an ace in the hole is something Nick Fury knows he has to do. Having a weapon like the Soul Stone is something he’d only bring out for extreme circumstances. Maybe in Avenger: Infinity War Fury brings it out to try and take out the Mad Titan Thanos.

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Nick Fury is arrogant enough to believe he could contain the power of an Infinity Stone on his own and fight someone with god-like power.