Legends of Tomorrow season 3: Ranking its top 5 moments

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3. Zari tries to sacrifice herself to save the Legends

The newest addition to the Legends, Zari didn’t exactly gel with her new teammates. Broken by the loss of her family and reluctant to help anyone, she didn’t fall in love with the idea of being a time-traveling superhero. Thus, the character ended up taking a backseat for the majority of the first half of season 3.

However, we finally got to know a lot more about her (especially about who she truly was) when she found herself trapped in a time loop. In the midst of an argument with Captain Sara Lance, Zari tried to fix the Waverider when an explosion killed everyone. But for a reason unknown to her, she found herself saved, but trapped in an endless cycle — forced to relive the argument and the Legends’ deaths over and over again. Eventually, she realised that the only way of beating the time loop and the bomb was to trust her teammates.

However, while this brought her closer to the team, a series of unfortunate events resulted in the time loop ceasing just before the ship’s inevitable explosion. In a heart-breaking moment, Zari seals the rest of the team away from her as she attempts to sacrifice herself to save the team. Actress Tala Ashe was outstanding here as Zari delivered an emotional monologue about how much she truly loved her new friends.

Thankfully, it all turned out to be an illusion created by Gideon to help her see that she needed to trust the team. But that didn’t stop this from being one season 3’s most powerful (and emotional) moments.