Credit: DC Comics
2. Solomon Grundy
Gotham is coming to an end soon and they cannot place a hold on the character. Ever an on-going problem this, at least with the CW and characters within the films like Deadshot or Deathstroke for example. Most people think of Solomon Grundy as somewhat Hulk-ish, in that his intelligence hearkens down a bit and speaks in rather simple terms. This does not always have to be the case. Solomon Grundy can still have basic, adult human mannerisms and speak rationally. Dumbing down the character I argue would just be a huge waste of talent for an actor like Andy Serkis.
Still, this is another character we can do motion capture for. The other benefit is given the already existing history within the DCEU, especially for Batman. Not everything is being born today with origins flying around for every single character and or film. Solomon Grundy’s origin relies on the fact he pre-exists modern history. Making him a perfect addition to the DCEU mythos then.