Review: Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) #33


Spider-Man and Deadpool are back for another great issue. Although the series has had its highs and lows, this story proves why it still keeps going. Read our spoiler-free review ahead!

Writer: Robbie Thompson
Artist: Matt Horak
Color artist: Brian Reber
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Cover: Dave Johnson

Picking up right after the events of issues #31 and #32, Spider-Man/Deadpool #33 finally pays off much of the storytelling building the series had. The LMD’s are back again, moving their plan forward and bringing really high stakes along the way. Even with the help of Old-Man Deadpool (who came from the future in issue #32), our heroes are still trying to figure out a way to successfully save the day. This is a great way of keeping things entertaining and it’s all due to Robbie Thompson and his great writing.

The art

More from Spider-Man

Matt Horak’s work through the series has been always been incredible and this issue is no different. Even though it must be pretty difficult to draw many of Marvel’s best heroes and villains on the same panel, Matt manages to do it in a rather amazing way. This helps the story too because it gives a bit more personality to the LMD’s. It’s far better to have a robot who looks like Venom than just a generic-looking one.

Besides, the illustrations are the one thing that will accompany the reader through the whole comic, so it’s nice it manages to be entertaining and impressive.

The story

While the story spends much of its time in the past, it is nice that things are becoming more clear along the way. This issue manages to explain a lot in just a couple of pages, which shows how much dedication Marvel has for this series (even 2 years in).

Some interesting plot-points the series has been building on are finally being explored. That’s nice, especially considering how Spider-Man/Deadpool #32’s story didn’t have anything to do with  Spider-Man/Deadpool #31. Finally, The cliffhanger is amazing as always, which makes you want to read the next issue right away.

Spider-Man and Deadpool’s chemistry

The chemistry between Spidey and Deadpool is not as present here as in previous issues. Although, that’s not a huge deal. The best moments of the series come from the interaction of these two characters. Because of this, the reader may not find this issue as memorable as others. Sure, they do have great moments, but not as many as a Spider-Man and Deadpool comic should.

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The action

Finally, there’s hardly any action here, but it’s not a big problem as the story makes all the work by giving a lot of explanations. Readers who were looking for a more action-packed entry will have to wait, but all of the pieces are setting up amazing things to come.

B+. . Robbie Thompson, Matt Horak, Brian Reber, VC’s Joe Sabino, Dave Johnson.. . Spider-Man/Deadpool #33

Spider-Man/Deadpool #33 has some problems, but none of them are a real distraction from this amazing entry in the series. It will be interesting to see where the story goes now, but things are looking really good for Spidey and Deadpool.

Have you read Spider-Man/Deadpool #33? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below!