The Flash: A ranking of all four seasons

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Credit The CW and DC Comics for The Flash

Season Two

The first season of The Flash ended with a heart-wrenching finale that included a tear-jerking moment between Barry and his mom and a dramatic cliffhanger. As a result, season two was set up to succeed. A time-jump and emotional revelations about the fallout of season one filled the first episode, which allowed this season to start strong.

Season two also brought back Reverse-Flash, which marked the beginning of the show’s exploitation of time travel as a plot device. At this point, time travel was still used with decent limitations.

Time wraiths and time remnants became a recurring part of the show, which would become a crucial development for the later seasons. Harrison Wells also returned with a new identity, which gave fans more of the brilliant Tom Cavanagh.

Season two also featured its own mystery; this time around, fans tried to piece together who wore Zoom’s mask. The reveal of Hunter Zolomon wasn’t as stunning as the twist in season one, but it was still effective. At the very least, Zoom was a menacing villain with a cool voice and costume.

More impactful deaths and adventures in Earth-2 gave season two room to stand on its own. A similarly shocking cliffhanger in the finale left many fans excited for season three.