Return of Wolverine finale review: How Logan got his groove back

What does Persephone have planned for Wolverine, and why did she bring him back?

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Previously, in Return of Wolverine No. 4, Wolverine started to get some answers that led to more questions. Logan finds out that the woman he’s been helping (Ana) was actually Persephone, that’s not all. Persephone was using her power of bringing people back from the dead to control Ana and string Logan along. She tells Wolverine that if he wants to know more to follow her henchman. He leads Logan to a spaceship.The issues ends with Logan saying  he knows how this ends — somebody dies.

Writer: Charles Soule

Penciler : Steve McNiven

Cover artists: Steve McNiven & Sunny Gho

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Logan gets to the space station and is greeted by Persephone…kind of. She’s a hologram. She says that she doesn’t know if they’re, “friends yet.” She finally tells Logan everything that she’s been up to, and it’s a lot to take in. Persephone took the best minds and creators from Earth and brought them to help her restart humanity. She tells Wolverine that she learned she can weaponize the dead by controlling the deceased that have powers. That’s where Logan comes in. She brought him back from the dead and used him to kill. We find out she was the one in Hunt for Wolverine who was telling Logan to stop (see picture below).

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

It seems likes every time Wolverine is brought back, he’s being controlled. Whether it was Xavier on the X-Men (Wolverine Origins “Original Sin”), Weapon X, or with Romulus, he was used as someone’s personal weapon. Persephone says she doesn’t know how Logan broke her control, but he did. She tells Logan everyone on Earth has to die in order for her dream to be realized, and she wants Logan to be part of it. Logan says, “You made me a nice offer, Persephone. Here’s my answer. #$%@ death.” as he stabs through Persephone’s hologram.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Persephone was befuddled that Logan chose to defy her and begin his life with a fresh start and no memory, as well as being there for the beginning of the new world. She unleashes a gas meant to kill Wolverine and says she’ll bring him back. Logan, being who he is, wasn’t going to just die. He punches a hole in the space station and claws his way in space and found a way back in.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

After Logan claws his way back in, he “persuades” the scientists to tell him what Persephone had planned. The plan was to kill everyone on Earth. Then, with their machine heightening Persephone’s powers, she was going to bring them back from the dead and use them as to rebuild a new world. Logan wasn’t going to let that happen and fought his way down to the final deck four where he could destroy the space station killing everyone inside, including himself if it came to it.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

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As Logan made his way to deck four, he had to fight and claw through anyone who was trying to stop him. As he makes his way there, his personalities started asking to be released. When he gets to deck four, Persephone’s top goon, Zagreus, is there. Zagreus proceeds to beat Logan down. His berserk side was yelling to get out. His claws are glowing hot again, and Logan flips a switch and lets out all of his memories except for the berserk side. Logan says, “Zagreus, I just remembered about a thousand fights I’ve been in. Ten thousand. Guess how many I’ve lost?” Logan cuts Zagreus up with ease.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Persephone threatens Logan. She says anyone he meets, he’ll never know if they’re alive or dead. Logan says, “So you’ll haunt me. Like a ghost. What’s one more” and then crashes the space station. A burned up Logan lands in a body of water and says, “Please tell me you’ve got some beer.” What else would you expect? The story ends with Logan ringing the doorbell to the Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach and a shadowy figure opening the door.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

This was one of the better runs that involve a hero’s return. Return of Wolverine  introduced a new villain, explained a lot of questions, and left some unanswered. It may seem like a tease, but writer Charles Soule left us wanting more. The best part of this wasn’t how Logan was brought back, but who brought him back. Persephone has the power to control the dead. That means all of the most powerful beings that have passed away could be under her control. Who knows what lengths she’ll go to get revenge on Wolverine.

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