Avengers: Endgame: How to beat Thanos in 3 (not so) easy steps

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Thanos (Josh Brolin)

Photo: Film Frame

©Marvel Studios 2018

Get the Gauntlet off him

This is the most crucial part of the plan. The Avengers have to get the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos. It’s foolish to think he can be beaten, while he wields power that literally changed the entire universe with a snap of his fingers. Beating him down won’t mean a thing if he can just wave his hand and throw his opponents around. Let’s take an example from the comic book. Wolverine stabbed Thanos in the chest, and he shook it off and turned Wolverine’s bones into rubber. Honestly, it may not even be certain that aiming for the head would have been enough. In less than a second, Thanos  probably could have healed himself from the injury.

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Again, this sounds easier than it actually will be. However, this is the most important step. Thanos can use the Time Stone and go back and keep redoing his mistakes if the Infinity Gauntlet isn’t removed from his hand. Without Dr. Strange to hold him from a distance, this will be trickier than it was before. Brute strength alone isn’t going to get it done. Thankfully, the Avngers have Tony Stark. In Infinity War, Stark used a part of his armor to stop Thanos from closing his hand. He may be able to make something to rip it off him in general. Now for step three, the fun part.