Doctor Strange battles the ultimate power in issue No. 15

Can Doctor Strange stop Mephisto, Dormammu, and Galactus?

When it comes to magic, you think that anything is possible, and that’s exactly what’s going on in the newest issue of Doctor Strange.

In the last issue, Doctor Strange was taken captive by Dormammu, who was working with Mephisto in an attempt to take control of the Devourer of Worlds, the mighty Galactus. With what seems like all hope lost, can Doctor Strange make a last-ditch effort to stop this incredibly powerful force from taking over every realm it can?

The short answer is no.

The one thing Dormammu is not in short supply of is ego. Whenever he thinks he has the upper hand, things tend to go south and, in issue 15, it’s no exception. Dormammu boasted that he was in control of Galactus. That Galactus was his herald, not the other way around. But he found out the hard way that when you play with forces that are beyond even your control, things won’t go the way you plan.

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Now, a freed Stephen Strange has to gather as many magical beings as he can to combat the coming threat — a fully evolved Galactus. A Galactus that has consumed Dormammu and has taken full control of his powers and abilities.

Mark Waid has really taken control of the character and turned it into his own. It’s character that isn’t usually something that is in his wheelhouse. Sending Doctor Strange to space in the first story arc of his run was a rather ambitious gambit, but it ultimately paid off in a huge way. Now, Waid has taken a typically Fantastic Four-centric villain and made him seem like a big bad that Strange has had to deal with on a semi-regular basis.

If you haven’t been reading Doctor Strange, or have never given the book a chance, now is the time to do so. Head to your local comic shop and start reading Doctor Strange. You’ll be glad you did!