5 Latin/Hispanic comic book heroes that deserve live-action treatment

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Credit: Brian Stelfreeze (Marvel Comics); cover for Miles Morales: Spider-Man No. 1
Credit: Brian Stelfreeze (Marvel Comics); cover for Miles Morales: Spider-Man No. 1 /

2. Miles Morales

The bi-racial (Black/Latinx) Miles Morales represents the two largest minority groups in America. Miles debuted in 2011’s Ultimate Comics: Fallout, which followed the aftermath of Peter Parker’s death. His character garnered major fanfare as he swung into action, never looking back.

Seven years later, Sony made Miles into more than a popular comic character, as he became a cultural phenomenon with Into the Spider-Verse. The studio opened up pandora’s box with their multiverse, which could crossover into live-action territory if they desired. And while a sequel is inevitable, it’s time Sony delivers on a live-action Miles Morales movie — here’s how it can work.

Sony has Venom in a universe that seemingly doesn’t have Spider-Man, or does it? Most would like to see Tom Holland, which is possible thanks to the new deal, but Sony doesn’t need him when they have Miles Morales.

We don’t need another origin story, thanks to Into the Spider-Verse. Sony can simply have Miles Morales exist in the same universe as Tom Hardy’s Venom. One way to make this happen is to have Miles be the reluctant benefactor of these amazing powers. With Eddie Brock and Venom protecting the city; there’s no need for a Spider-Man, so Miles thinks.

All it’ll take is the symbiote getting a whiff of the powerful Brooklyn native for it to abandon Eddie and take over the kid. From there, a new rivalry and/or team is born in Miles Morales’ Spider-Man Universe. Plus, with Madame Web getting a movie, anything is possible.