5 Latin/Hispanic comic book heroes that deserve live-action treatment

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3. Blue Beetle

There are a few people who went by the name Blue Beetle with arguably the most famous being Jaime Reyes. While he’s not the first, (Dan Garrett and Ted Kord preceded him), Jaime cemented himself as one of the fan-favorites to wield the extraterrestrial Scarab. Jaime teamed with several DC heroes including Booster Gold, the Justice League, and most notably the Teen Titans.

Unlike most superheroes, Jaime doesn’t keep the Scarab a secret. Instead, he allows them into his life, unwilling to lie to his friends and family. A movie about Jaime’s origin could feel like Attack the Block meets Venom.

Imagine a thriller following a teenage boy living in poverty. He’s then forced to bond with alien technology to protect his neighborhood from alien invaders, part of DC Comics’ the Reach.

The alien superpower could serve as an overarching narrative that could span across multiple DCEU films. Jaime’s unwillingness to adhere to Scarab makes for comedic banter perfect for a movie. Of course, Jaime’s origin doesn’t quite play out that way in the pages of DC Comics, but every comic book story needs a little tweak.

With that said, the DCEU reportedly has plans for Jaime’s Blue Beetle movie. Miss Bala writer, Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer will write the script. Here’s to hoping that it happens.