Who will be the big bad of Disney Plus’ upcoming She-Hulk series?
It was recently confirmed that the titular role on She-Hulk would be played by Tatiana Maslany. At Disney Investor Day, it was also announced that Tim Roth would be reprising his role as Emil Blonsky aka The Abomination from 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, so one could easily assume that he would be the Big Bad for the Disney Plus series. However, it seems this may not be the case, meaning Roth’s role could be that of a secondary antagonist at least.
A couple of months back, it was reported that the upcoming MCU show was looking to cast five new supporting roles. Among those supporting roles was a female antagonist codenamed “Lucy” in the cast description – who is described as a social-media influencer with a dark side.
The character is supposed to be a glamorous 30-something, Kardashian-type figure. While this might seem like a contemporary character description, it doesn’t instantly match anyone in Marvel Comics. As a result, it’s quite possible that this is more of a modern take on an already pre-existing character.
Unlike her cousin Dr Bruce Banner aka The Hulk, She-Hulk does not have a central group of villains as well-known to non-comic book fans, nor is that rogues gallery as wide in scope. Banner’s enemies are relatively well-known threats like The Leader, Abomination, Zzzax and General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross. That said, there are some amongst She-Hulk’s group of enemies who stand out like Man-Elephant (aka Behemoth), Ruby Thursday and Grappler.
There is also Nicholas Trask, who is a crime boss responsible for her gamma-infused transformation in the first place, but we will leave that character for another day. On that note, let’s take a look at three likely candidates who fit the bill as She-Hulk‘s Big Bad and see if we can deduce who “Lucy” really is.