Chris Evans may be returning to Captain America in the MCU. If he does, he needs to do so in Deadpool 3.
All it takes is one Marvel Cinematic Universe rumor to pop up online on one website, and suddenly the entire internet is on fire like it’s the gospel truth.
Chris Evans got a taste of that this past week when the rumor mill went wild with reports that he may be returning to the MCU as Captain America. If it does turn out to be true, then a movie he should pop up in is Deadpool 3 for a number of reasons.
Captain America is back…maybe
Avengers: Endgame was the final appearance for a couple of stalwart members of the MCU. The first was Iron Man who died defeating Thanos, and was tearfully memorialized by his friends and allies. Vision and Black Widow didn’t get the same treatment, but that’s a different article.

Captain America also said his goodbyes to the Avengers. After some time-traveling shenanigans, Cap reappeared just after the moment he left as a much older man who spent the life he earned with Peggy Carter. He then handed his shield off to Sam Wilson.
This movie marked the final moments of both Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans in the MCU. But comic book fans in particular were dubious at best. They know better than anyone that no character is gone forever, and returns are almost always inevitable.
As such, no one was surprised when reports started surfacing that Chris Evans was close to signing a new deal with Disney/Marvel. This would see him return to the MCU in some fashion, though there were no details on how or when.
For his part, Evans has denied the rumors. Then again, so did Tatiana Maslany when reports surfaced that she was going to star in the upcoming She-Hulk Disney Plus series. Shortly after her denial, however, an official announcement was made that confirmed her casting.
If Captain America does return to his now iconic role, another big piece of MCU news that recently dropped provides some interesting imagination fodder. If nothing else, it’s fun to wonder what a movie with Deadpool and Captain America in it would look like.
Deadpool is back in the saddle
When Disney bought out much of Fox’s entertainment holdings, they retrieved a variety of Marvel film rights. That included all of the X-Men. Fox’s X-Men movie franchise had been inconsistent at best, so fans were hoping for some of that MCU magic to rub off on Marvel’s mutants.
But one franchise fans were immediately worried Disney might make worse was Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds’ version of the Merc with a Mouth hit all the right big screen chords. That’s good since Fox’s first pass at the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine didn’t go so well.

What made the two Deadpool movies work was not worrying about the R rating. This allowed the producers to tell good Deadpool stories the way they needed to be told, without worrying about too many swears, sexual references and violence.
The same week that rumors about Chris Evans’ return to playing Captain America started surfacing, fans got some legit good news about Deadpool 3. Kevin Feige confirmed it was coming, it would be part of the MCU and it would be rated R.
This made fans happy. Disney is not exactly known for producing R-rated movies. As such, fans were worried they’d insist on toning down Deadpool 3 and ruin the movie. Fortunately, that is not the case and fans have a better shot of getting the Deadpool movie they want in the MCU.
A Captain America and Deadpool team up
If Chris Evans does return to the MCU and reprise his character of Captain America, then he should absolutely appear in Deadpool 3. In fact, he should be a major character, teaming up with Deadpool to stop whatever villain is in the movie.
First and foremost, watching someone as straight-laced as Captain America deal with someone as absurd and offensive as Deadpool would be outstanding. There is so much potential for comedy moments in putting those two together.
It would also be amusing because Deadpool would be star-struck by even being around Captain America. Even funnier would be how hard he would find it to get over how handsome Steve Rogers is. Deadpool would be immediately infatuated with him.
On the other side of the coin, it would be interesting to see what Chris Evans, Kevin Feige and company could do with Captain America in an R rated environment. Captain America swearing up a storm could be a work of art if done right.
But Captain America and Deadpool are also both great at what they do. Both men can fight, and watching them lay a beating on their opponents would be intense to say the least. Plus, seeing Deadpool hold the shield would be worth the price of admission.
More than anything, the world just needs Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans to make an MCU superhero movie together. If Disney and Marvel can coax Evans back for even one more round as Captain America, they need to make it happen in Deadpool 3.
Would you like to see Captain America and Deadpool team up in the MCU? Do you think Evans really is returning to the MCU? Let us know in the comments below!