Disney Plus is six episodes deep into its first MCU series with only three WandaVision episodes left to go.
WandaVision has piqued the imaginations of fans around the world with its mysterious plot – a plot of which it has yet to confirm many seemingly important details. As such, the theories have been flying faster than Mjolnir back to Thor’s hand.
That being said, it might be time that fans sit down, look themselves in the mirror and admit something to themselves, something actually very important. No one honestly has any idea what’s actually happening, and that’s okay.
WandaVision has always been confusing
When WandaVision was initially announced, no one knew exactly what to expect from the Disney Plus series. After all, Vision didn’t exactly make it out of Avengers: Infinity War with his head in one piece. Thanks to Thanos, everyone’s favorite synthezoid was super extra dead.
As more details came out about the new series, it became increasingly clear that this was going to be something special. New trailers showed episodes themed for different sitcom styles and TV eras. The fan theories started hitting the web in force.
It was apparent that something big was happening. Fans of Marvel Comics know how powerful Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, truly is and what happens when she loses it. After the deaths of Pietro, Vision, the incident in Lagos and the Snap, Wanda was plenty stressed.
Wanda manipulating the reality of WandaVision on some level has been apparent. Well, that’s at least what fans have thought. In truth, the reality of what’s actually going on has proven to be nothing close to cut and dry.
An evolving mystery
In the world of WandaVision, truth and facts are extremely relative, and nothing is ever remotely certain. Fans are six episodes in, and they have more questions than they started with but very few answers. That is very much by design.

From moment one, the series was quite coy about what is going on. While Wanda is exerting some sort of control over this modified reality, it’s honestly hard to say how much. There was always a feeling that someone or something else is at work.
But the series has danced around that idea with a variety of clues that could all easily just turn out to be red herrings. Even more frustrating is the notion that many of the “clues” are only assumed by fans to be clues, and are actually nothing. This is truly a show where nothing is what it seems.
At one point, fans were looking at a new poster published online and claiming they saw Mephisto’s face in it. That’s how far down the rabbit hole fans have gone. People are seeing faces in wallpaper patterns which are, in turn, fueling fan theories.
The crazy part is that those people might be right. Mephisto’s face could actually be in that wallpaper pattern and he could be the true villain of the series. The problem is that there are about 8,000 other theories all with an equal probability of being true.
WandaVision and the big bad
Easily the biggest detail that has remained vague is the identity of the villain. There are so many names in the mix at this point that there is no true frontrunner. And the best part is that any one of them would be a satisfying reveal.

Naturally, a lot of people are betting on the most obvious choice in Wanda. It appears to be her reality fueled by her powers and amplified by her grief. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone else behind the scenes manipulating the situation.
Mephisto’s name has come up frequently as he is quite connected to Wanda and her kids in the comics. She used shards of his soul to create her children in the first place. With Billy and Tommy in the picture, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him around.
The same goes for Nightmare. This powerful demonic being has been rumored to have an MCU debut coming his way, most likely in the next Doctor Strange movie. And the shenanigans of Westview are right up his alley. It’s the exact kind of ploy he might use.
But WandaVision might also be bringing Ultron back into the mix, or debuting Magneto or Doctor Doom. That last one would fit in with the theory that Monica Rambeau is calling Reed Richards for help. Unless she’s calling in Scott Lang, who has a masters in Mechanical Engineering.
The truth is out there
The simple reality is that until fans get a clear answer from the show, everything is just a theory. Agnes may or may not be Agatha Harkness. Director Hayward may or may not be much more than he seems. Quicksilver may or may not be Quicksilver.
What fans need to start preparing themselves for is that they won’t be getting a clear answer from WandaVision. The plot of this series is rumored to have major implications on future MCU projects, specifically the next Spider-Man and Doctor Strange movies.
There is a distinct possibility that there won’t be a definitive answer until the complete picture can be seen. That might seem frustrating, but it could also be an incredibly enjoyable ride if fans just roll with it until the end.
Regardless of how that plays out, fans should savor WandaVision for what it is. That’s a well crafted mystery that has kept fans hooked on an engaging story while being so stingy on details that you’d think it would make Bob Cratchit work on Christmas Eve.
The beauty of WandaVision is in the fan theories. It has made everyone watching it think about what’s going on. Every detail might not be a clue but it’s fun to act like they are, and think about how cool it would be if Mephisto, Nightmare and/or Reed Richards actually show up.
Have you been enjoying WandaVision? Let us know in the comments below!