25 timeless Marvel movie quotes every Marvel fan should know

Avengers: Endgame (2019) poster. Image: Marvel Studios
Avengers: Endgame (2019) poster. Image: Marvel Studios /
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Iron Man 3, Avengers Endgame, Robert Downey Jr., MCU, Jeff Lemire
Marvel’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)..Ph: Jay Maidment..©Marvel 2015 /

“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” – Tony Stark

22. What are you without the suit?

Marvel movie: The Avengers

Before the Avengers could become a team, they were fighting amongst each other. Sometimes it was just arguing. Other times we saw actual physical blows.

Bruce Banner described it best when he called them a timebomb. Fury tells Bruce to calm down. When Tony Stark asked why Bruce couldn’t let off a little steam, Steve Rogers (and everyone else who heard Stark’s question) knew why he couldn’t. This leads to Rogers questioning Stark’s ability to be a hero. He calls Stark out and asks who he was without the Iron Man suit. Well, Stark had the perfect answer, “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist”

Tony Stark is pompous. There’s no doubt about that. Does that give Rogers the right to question his character? It’s debatable. Regardless of how we feel, Tony took that question personally and responded with the energy that was given to him. There are two key parts to this line.

First, Stark was right. He’s always been more than the suit. Even before he was Iron Man. Second, Stark proves this by carrying the nuke into space. He didn’t know if he’d survive and he didn’t care. Stark showed Rogers that he was willing to make the sacrifice play.  Tony Stark proved that he could add hero to genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist