The Flash: How does Supergirl fit into the DCEU film?

Supergirl -- Photo: Darren Michaels/CBS
Supergirl -- Photo: Darren Michaels/CBS

Supergirl is one of the most intriguing parts of the upcoming The Flash movie, but how does Sasha Calle’s Girl of Steel fit into the DCEU?

Production is finally underway on The Flash but Warner Bros has been pretty tight-lipped when it comes to the heavily-anticipated movie. All we know is that it’ll be Flashpoint-inspired with a few Batman actors reprising their role.

However, in recent weeks, DCEU and Flash fans received a couple of teases, thanks to Flash director Andy Muschietti. The man behind IT has taken to social media to get fans excited. First, he unveiled the emblem for Michael Keaton’s returning Batman (the very same one Keaton wore in 1992’s Batman Returns). He then unveiled The Flash’s (Ezra Miller) emblem. However, Muschietti didn’t stop there.

The next week he lit the comic book movie world on fire, teasing the suit that Supergirl would wear. The excitement for Sasha Calle’s Girl of Steel is real, so is the mystery behind the role she’ll play in The Flash. We know she’ll sport a jet black razor bob, that’s where the information on her role stops. Part of the mystery is Supergirl’s exclusion in the Flashpoint comic arc.

DC Comics’ Flashpoint spanned five issues in 2011 written by Geoff Johns with art by Andy Kubert. The story follows Barry Allen’s adventures in an alternate reality he created by racing through time to stop his mother’s death. In this world, there is no Superman. Though the being from Krypton is being held captive in an offsite location.

How does Supergirl fit into Flashpoint in The Flash?

In the comics, Barry is part of a team tasked with tracking down “Project: Superman.” It’s a branch of governing officials that are “raising” Kal-El after his ship crash-landed in Metropolis. Now as Henry Cavill does not appear to be reprising his role as Superman, perhaps Sasha Calle’s Kara could take the place of her Kryptonian cousin. Maybe the recent set photos of her in costume could be from the movie’s final scene when she makes her heroic debut.

On the other hand, maybe she will play a different role – one that may have been originally intended for another character.

One Justice League hero who plays a major part in the Flashpoint arc in the comics is Cyborg. In the DCEU, the role is played by actor Ray Fisher – who appeared in the divisive Justice League. Unfortunately, he will not be reprising the role for The Flash. That could be where Supergirl comes in. In the comics.

More from DCEU

If you’ve seen DC’s animated film, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Cyborg is “America’s Greatest Hero,.” He’s tasked with gathering a super team to stop the Atlantean-Amazon War. With Cyborg no longer appearing in The Flash, perhaps Supergirl can step into that role instead. Calle could play a tough as nails militant version of Kara. In fact, in DCEU prequel Man of Steel: The Prequel, Kara is the commander of a scout team. If that same backstory applied for The Flash, it’s possible that she’ll step into the role as “America’s Greatest Hero.”

There are other possibilities as well. Kara could be a completely new character that is part of the alternate universe Barry creates. Perhaps she is the big bad, or she could act as one hero caught in the crossfire of the Atlantean-Amazon War we saw in the comics, replacing the SHAZAM family in that role. That is, if the war plays a role in Muschietti’s film. After all, Gal Gadot was rumored to reprise her role as Wonder Woman but Jason Momoa’s name hasn’t surfaced in those rumors yet, but we can only hope. Technically, neither of them need to lead the war. Two other Atlantean and Amazonian DC characters can… or maybe Kryptonians are the ones waging war on this earth. The possibilities for this adaptation are endless.

Is Sasha Calle playing Lara Lane-Kent in The Flash?

There’s another theory that suggests Sasha Calle isn’t playing Kara Zor-El at all. With the recent set photos now giving us our first full look at the star’s Supergirl in costume, fans are beginning to speculate that she’s actually playing Lara Lane-Kent.

DC Comic fans know her as the daughter of Lois and Clark from Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three Issue 7. Unlike her father and his cousin, Lara does not fight for justice hands-on. Instead, she takes an ominous approach as a guide for humans to fight their own battles.

Is Calle’s costume merely paying tribute to Lara or is this the Supergirl that she’s set to bring to the big screen?

What role do you think Supergirl will play in The Flash? Which Girl of Steel do you think Calle is playing? Let us know in the comments below!