12 Marvel Cinematic Universe moments that made no sense

The Avengers. © 2012 MARVEL
The Avengers. © 2012 MARVEL /
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5. M.O.D.O.K. turns into a hero because… reasons?

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania isn’t one of the most polished MCU projects by any means. While there is enjoyment to be found in it, there are numerous things that can be criticized and many decisions that could be questioned. However, one of the movie’s most confusing moments came when M.O.D.O.K., the organism designed specifically for killing, turned into a hero after having a small pep talk from Cassie Lang.

The thing is, Darren Cross was a villain back in the first Ant-Man movie. Hank Pym dropped him as his protege and Darrent hated him for it. He kicked Pym out of his own company and was more than willing to sell the Yellowjacket suit to dangerous groups such as Hydra or the Ten Rings terrorist organization. He even broke into the room of a little girl to take her hostage and lure Scott into another fight. Darren wasn’t a good person whatsoever.

After being permanently disfigured by Scott and exiled to a completely unknown realm, Darren became more of a bad guy. Kang even shaped him into M.O.D.O.K, a living weapon designed to kill anyone who crosses it. So what did M.O.D.O.K do when he was forced to face Scott, Hank, and Cassie once again? Well, after a small hunt, his character did a complete 180, decided to become “an Avenger”, and helped take down Kang. All of that just because Cassie hit him in the face and told him to “not be a dick”.

That’s it. Apparently, that’s all it takes to turn a cruel weaponized being into a good guy who deems himself worthy enough of being called a hero. Who knew it was that easy? Maybe the Avengers should’ve tried doing the same tactic with Thanos to prevent the events of Infinity War.