Skybound has given hints and flat-out spoilers when it comes to things that may be seen in season 3 of Invincible. Some of it has been in the trailer for the upcoming season and other elements have been teased on their social media pages. However, a lot of this is only obvious if you’ve read the source material.
This writer won’t knock you if you haven’t read all 144 issues of Invincible plus the crossover comic books. It’s a lot of content to absorb and it isn’t cheap. I’ve read the main title once a year for a few years and trust me, it’s time-consuming. This is a good thing for those of you who haven’t, though. This article will break down important moments from the Invincible comic book that may happen in season 3.
Writer’s note: It should be mentioned that Prime Video's Invincible plays with the timeline of the comic book. This means some things that happened haven't gone in the same order as it is on the show. This helps since some of the topics and scenes don't always work outside of the source material. The creative team has also taken outdated aspects out to make sure that the characters look stronger and deeper. This is a trend that works for the program and will likely continue.

Cecil Stedman's answer to Invincible's strength
Remember back in season 2, episode 2 (“In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish“) when Mark Grayson (Invincible) was affected by a sonic noise? Well, Cecil Stedman took note and weaponized it.
Cecil knew he needed a way to stop Mark if things got out of hand. Since the Guardians of the Globe wouldn’t be enough, he had his scientists develop a trigger that attacked Mark’s inner ear. This is on top of the superpowered ReAnimen D.A. Sinclair made. This leads to Mark cutting ties with the Guardians of the Globe (Cecil in particular) and changing his costume from yellow and blue to black and blue.

Angstrom Levy stalking Mark
Angstrom Levy didn’t die when Mark pummeled him in the baron universe (season 2, episode 8 "I Thought You Were Stronger"). With his last bit of strength, Levy teleported to a universe to the beings that helped him after the accident that drove him crazy ("A Lesson for Your Next Life"). Instead of letting things go and starting a new life, Levy becomes obsessed with destroying Invincible.
Notice this writer said destroy and not just kill. Levy wants everything about Invincible ruined. That includes the people he loves and his reputation. The latter takes a hit when Levy’s compulsion forces him to do something that causes an untold amount of death and destruction and it's called...
The Invincible War
Levy brings multiple evil versions of Mark to the show’s universe and lets them off the leash. This was hinted at during a mid-credit scene in season 2, episode 2 (“In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish“). It will take every hero in the world to stop Levy’s Invincible army. Even then, the destruction caused is unfathomable and the death toll is heartbreaking. Among the dead is Rex Splode who dies killing a variant of Invincible.
As the rebuilding and healing begin, one of the strongest Viltrumites arrives on Earth and doesn’t like what he sees. Get ready for the biggest battle of 2025 as Invincible takes on Conquest.
Conquest arrives
Anissa told Mark to get Earth prepared for Viltrumites' rule and that someone else will come soon to see how far he's come (season 2, episode 7“I'm Not Going Anywhere”). She said she prays he comes to his senses by then. That warning wasn't made in vain.
It’s unclear if Conquest is stronger than Anissa, but he’s more determined and a true believer in Viltrumite rule. That makes him more dangerous. What he does to Mark is worse than the beating he took from Omni-Man in the season 1 finale. Luckily, Invincible is stronger than he previously was. Too bad someone else isn't.

Atom Eve Dies
Atom Eve intervenes in their fight to prevent Mark from dying and is killed in the process. It’s a moment that shocked every new reader. However, what happened next is more surprising. Eve resurrects herself more powerful than before and blasts Conquest so fiercely that he’s seemingly killed.
Everything would have been fine if Cecil wouldn’t have done what Invincible asked and killed Conquest. Instead, he takes Conquest's body and thinks holding it in metal with a bomb would stop him if he woke up. Fun fact, it didn’t.

Invincible ReAnimen
Cecil and the U.S. Government weren’t going to let the dead Invincible variants’ bodies go to waste. They’re rounded up and brought to D.A. Sinclair where he uses the same method for his ReAnimen on the deceased Vitrumites.
As dangerous as this was, it was a smart move. The question is: Could this play out in the third season of the Prime Video series, too?
— INVINCIBLE (@InvincibleHQ) February 1, 2025
Oliver kills the Mauler Twins
Viewers will quickly learn that Oliver is more like his father than his brother. He doesn’t believe all human life is precious or deserves to be saved. It's a conversation that happens after one of Oliver’s first heroic attempts ends with him killing the Mauler Twins.
This will become a trend for Oliver throughout the series. He lacks all of the empathy that makes Mark a hero. But there will come a time when Oliver says things that will make the viewers ponder the validity of his words.

Omni-Man and Allen’s Excellent Adventure
Eventually, Nolan (Omni-Man) and Allen the Alien will escape the Viltrumite prison. After that, they’ll embark on a journey to find the necessary items to stop and possibly kill the Viltrumites. This leads to the arrival of various new characters in the Invincible universe. As they’re revealed, you’ll start to notice some of them resemble characters from other comic book companies.
One of the things needed to stop the Viltrumites takes Omni-Man back to Earth. It’s the first time he’s been back since he nearly beat Mark to death and called his wife Debbie a pet. While he is gone, Nolan realizes that he still loves and misses his wife.
In the source material, Nolan and Debbie get back together. Whether or not that happens in the series remains to be seen. Some things have been changed and this could be one of them.
ONE WEEK until Season 3!!! We'd give you a new trailer, but then we'd run the risk of spoiling a bunch of insane stuff you're going to see. So this is all we got.
— INVINCIBLE (@InvincibleHQ) January 30, 2025
The blue and black suit represents the worst time in Mark’s life. He’s going to make decisions and mistakes that will cost hundreds of thousands of people their lives. Among the mistakes he makes comes after he meets Dinosaurus. A being so intelligent that he can't think of anything beyond the needs of the many. Sadly, Mark starts to wonder if he’s right.
The eventual partnership of Dinosaurus and Invincible probably won’t happen until season 5 at the earliest. However, you will see Dinosaurus destroy Las Vegas killing everyone there. That will most likely happen during one of the three premiere episodes. Yes, things in this season are going to get that dark.
You haven’t seen a character stronger than Grand Regent Thragg. He’s the leader of the Viltrumites and is feared by everyone he’s encountered. Even Conquest is scared to fail him. The things you’ll see him do in the series, season 4, and beyond will shock and disgust you. He makes Homelander and Sage’s attempt at world domination in The Boys look like children's drawings.
This writer says season 4 because you’re probably only going to get a brief look at him to prepare viewers for the future. It's too soon to see him in full action and it's a nice tease to get people ready for the future. He’s the biggest of the bad in this series and his real arrival deserves the royal treatment. Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see if that prediction comes true.
Keep up with Bam Smack Pow on our social media sites Bluesky, Instagram, and Twitter for more news of Prime Video's Invincible as it comes out.