Adam West has had countless adventures as Batman in live action. He portrayed the Caped Crusader in the legendary ABC TV series, which ran for three seasons from 1966 to 1968, and its live-action spinoff movie. In addition to this spectacular run as one of the most fun portrayals of Batman, he had a wonderful voice acting career. Many may remember him for his voice roles on The Fairly Odd Parents or Family Guy, but his career with DC was a huge part of his animated exploits.
West directly continued his time as Batman in The New Adventures of Batman (1977) all the way through to 1985's Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians. He also played Batman on Robot Chicken's third DC special, with an appearance from Burt Ward as well.
His other TV appearances are nothing short of fantastic. Critically-acclaimed '90s show Batman: The Animated Series featured him in the fan favorite episode, "Beware The Gray Ghost". Adam West was featured as Simon Trent, an actor who played a TV superhero called The Gray Ghost. The Gray Ghost was an inspiration to Batman when he was young, and Trent ultimately turned into the character to help Batman fight a villain straight out of the TV show.
Subsequent animated series The Batman (2004) featured West in a more recurring role as the mayor of Gotham City. Meanwhile, Batman: The Brave and the Bold had West appear as a robot called Proto-bot. West has had an amazing TV career, both as Batman and beyond, each and every appearance is something special.
Return of the classic Caped Crusader
In 2016, Adam West returned to the universe that his Batman called home. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders released as a straight to video animated DC Universe film, and it was a direct continuation of the classic TV series. The movie brought back Burt Ward as Robin and Julie Newmar as Catwoman, along with new voice actors for the rest of the iconic characters found in Adam West's Gotham City.
Return of the Caped Crusaders was an explosive return for the Dynamic Duo, pitting them against their greatest foes, The Joker, The Penguin, and The Riddler. The movie earned itself a sequel, Batman Vs. Two Face, a worthy successor. William Shatner voiced the legendary Two-Face, and proved to be a worthy villain for the Dynamic Duo to face off against.
Adam West had an incredible career, by any definition. He truly stood out amongst every single portrayal of Batman. Each Batman has brought something new to the role, but it was Adam West who brought a levity, an air of fun, and comedy to the Dark Knight.