Every episode of The Tick season 1, ranked

The Tick was one of Prime Video's best shows, having one of the best first seasons for any superhero show.
Photo: The Tick: Season 2, Courtesy Amazon Studios
Photo: The Tick: Season 2, Courtesy Amazon Studios /

Prime Video's The Tick was a delightful return for the wild blue yonder, having all the comedy and action expected from such a storied character. The series debuted on the streaming service back in 2016, with its first season running for 12 episodes, focusing on the titular hero, Arthur (The Tick's sidekick), and their quest to defeat The Terror.

Each episode of the first season had something special to it, but which ones stand out as the very best? Let's rank each of them and find out!

12. After Midnight

Midnight was a strange character on the TV series - a talking dog. While animals have always had a place in The Tick's storylines (see the Man Eating Cow) Midnight wasn't a highlight of the Prime Video show. An episode focusing on him wasn't the most compelling, and that unfortunately makes it the least memorable of season 1.

Still though, like all Tick episodes, it had it's moments.

11. Risky Bismuth

The final standalone episode of The Tick season 1 before the two part finale, a calm before the storm. That calm was ultimately low on action and heavy on exposition. a few revelations come to light, but in a way less than climactic.

Not a bad episode at all, but not a great way to set up the season finale.

10. Secret Identity

"Secret Identity" was a real treat, one which pushes Arthur into taking off the costume, and trying to return to his normal life, away from The Tick. Asking the question: Who would want to be a superhero?

There are some interesting answers to that question in there and an entertaining installment to go with it.

9. Party Crashers

Possibly the funniest episode of the series, the sense of humor in "Party Crashers" comes from The Tick forcing his way into a birthday party for Arthur's stepfather. Arthur's family dynamics are explored, as well as one of the biggest crises of the season being revealed.

There's a lot going on in this one that you might not have noticed just by the title.

8. My Dinner With Android

The CGI in "My Dinner With Android" was less than convincing, but The Tick bonding with and then battling a robot was an incredible moment for the series. The relationship The Tick forms and destroys with a machine is both heartwarming, heartbreaking, and hilarious.

That's The Tick in a nutshell!

7. Fear Of Flying

A unique kind of crisis, "Fear Of Flying" focuses on getting someone down from the sky. The Tick is faced with a problem he can't solve through brawns, so resorts to motivational speaking. All with a killer action scene to boot.

6. Tale From The Crypt

The title is a killer reference to the classic comic Tales From The Crypt, and the episode is just as spectacular. There is so much to love here, from the first confrontation between Arthur and The Terror, to The Tick crumbling without his sidekick, a lot of crises are faced in this one, along with tons of plot revelations that are imperative to the rest of the series.

The Tick
Photo: The Tick: Season 2, Courtesy Amazon Studios /

5. Pilot

The first episode of the series, The Tick's costume looks different here as it wasn't the final design. But the show instantly nails that classic Tick tone that we all know and love from right out of the gate.

The pilot episode introduces the wild blue yonder and an unwilling sidekick to each other, showcasing what viewers who start the show are in for. Few first episodes are as great as this one.

4. Rising

"Rising" is where Arthur finally comes to terms with who he is: A hero. As a result, he and The Tick make their debut to The City as superheroes, saving a bus full of people, and a dog.

This one comes at around halfway through the season, and the plot really starts unfolding here, as The Terror's machinations are set into place.

3. The Beginning Of The End

"The Beginning Of The End", or, the beginning of the two part finale, brought all the elements of the series to a head. The situation was truly dire, and the stakes were never higher than they were right here.

With The Terror's plan coming to fruition, it was up to The Tick and Arthur to stop him. What a way to set up the finale of the first season.

2. Where's My Mind

The first two episodes of The Tick entertained an idea rarely seen: The idea of the title character being real or not. Arthur convinces himself that The Tick is a hallucination, and that he's gone completely insane. While The Tick is indeed very real, the concept was terrific, which no other superhero show has ever dealt with before.

It set the show off on a strong note and showed viewers what kind of adventures await them, carrying on from the strong pilot episode.

1. The End Of The Beginning (Of The Dawn Of The Age Of Superhero)

The season finale, the wonderfully titled "The End Of The Beginning (Of The Dawn Of The Age Of Superhero)" was nothing short of great. The characters were all pushed to their limits, with even The Tick facing the idea of doing the unthinkable. Furthermore, it brought all of the season 1 storylines to a head, paving the way for the show's second season.

There couldn't have been a better beginning for the dawn of the age of superheroes.

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