Gotham – Post-Spring Hiatus Predictions


After Everyone Has a Cobblepot, Gotham has gone on another hiatus and won’t return until April 13.  Until that time, we have a few weeks to speculate on how the show will wrap up its freshman season.

Where the Key Players Are Headed

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Post-winter hiatus, the show has had some forward momentum in terms of drama and characters getting themselves into some precarious situations.  Among a slew of developments, we’ve seen James Gordon’s white knight armor get a bit stained during his dealings with Oswald Cobblepot; Bruce Wayne paying some heavy costs for his investigation into Wayne Enterprises; and Fish Mooney attempting to reclaim her power.

James Gordon’s Predicament with Oswald Cobblepot

Let’s start with the guy who the show is centered around — James Gordon.  A clean detective just trying to do the right thing.  And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see this coming from a mile away: the repercussions of selling his integrity for Cobblepot’s help.  Gordon is now heading down a dangerous road where he’s owing Cobblepot some favors.  This is probably how most cops in GCPD started out.  Even Harvey Bullock warned him about it (telling Gordon that he may tell himself that his one bad deed can be remedied with good deeds).  Gordon has definitely made some headway in getting what he wanted — finding dirt on Commissioner Loeb, attaining evidence against Flass — but at what cost?

When the show returns, we may see Cobblepot cashing in on all those favors.  And I can guarantee you that Gordon will refuse him.  It will be interesting to see how Cobblepot has guaranteed his own payment (dirt on Gordon?).  Or will Cobblepot take a more direct approach — threatening the people Gordon cares about (Leslie Thompkins?).  Speaking of Gordon’s relationship status, Barbara Kean may also be beefing up her plan to get him back.  The plan could be anything, but knowing Barbara, it’ll most likely be something juvenile, since she’s taking advice from Selina Kyle now.

Harvey Bullock’s New Clean Slate

Harvey Bullock has certainly come a long way since the first episode.  Though not completely clean-cut, he’s becoming a bit more idealistic in wanting to do the right thing.  This character change was also helped by the fact that Gordon believes in him and took measures to stop Loeb from blackmailing Bullock further (confiscating Bullock’s confession and files).  Post-spring hiatus, it wouldn’t be a big surprise if we find Gordon in the same position Bullock was in during the start of the season.  And it’s now up to Bullock to bail Gordon out of his rock-and-a-hard-place situation.

Bruce Wayne’s Investigation

Ever since the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne has dug deep into any links between Wayne Enterprises and the underworld of Gotham City.  Much of Bruce’s evidence seemed to be speculative until Red Hood, where we saw the board target Alfred Pennyworth because Bruce was actually getting too close.  Post-spring hiatus, I see Bruce going in two directions: enlisting the help of Gordon in investigating Wayne Enterprises, or (I really hate to say this) taking up Selina on her offer to help him.  I have a strange feeling (especially from how Gotham is written) that we’re going to have another Bruce and Selina team up.  However, with the recent announcement of Chris Chalk joining the cast as Lucius Fox, Bruce may not need to work as hard in finding justice for Alfred and his parents.

Fish Mooney’s Final Move

And the award for the Craziest Scene goes to you know who and for you know what (if you’ve forgotten, see Red Hood).  Post-winter hiatus, we saw the downfall of Fish Mooney caused by the backfiring of her plan to embed a spy, Liza, within Carmine Falcone’s circle (What the Little Bird Told Him).  Attempting to escape on a yacht, Mooney is abducted and imprisoned on an island.  She soon forces her way into meeting Dr. Dulmacher — owner of the prison — and has started her climb back to power.

Fans following any Gotham-related news may think that speculation on her character is pretty much useless since Jada Pinkett Smith revealed that she’s not returning for Season 2.  But not so fast.  Pinkett Smith said that she’s not returning.  She didn’t say her character wasn’t returning.  This, of course, opens up two avenues when Gotham returns post-Spring hiatus: Will Fish Mooney die?  Or will Fish Mooney be transformed?  We’ve already seen Dulmacher replace Mooney’s eye with a spare.  What’s to say he won’t give her a complete cosmetic makeover?  If Mooney does return to Gotham City, everybody will be looking for her.  A different face will surely be an asset.  Here’s another fun notion: she could have an accident and become a disfigured villain.

Final Thoughts

Ever since returning in January, Gotham has ripped through some twists and turns.  The writers have tried to keep things interesting by making Gordon perform some Faustian bargains, and moving Fish Mooney to a side story of her own.  Whether these were good decisions remains to be seen.  Gotham is attempting to build some type of mythological infrastructure with the introduction of so many characters, but introducing them so late in the season.  Perhaps the plan is to have these characters help in a giant cliffhanger.  We’ll just have to see when Gotham returns April 13.

Fox’s Gotham will return on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 8:00PM EST with its nineteenth episode.

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