Is Arrow’s Stephen Amell Going To Wrestle Again At WrestleMania?


Stephen Amell’s WWE in-ring debut at SummerSlam earlier this month went pretty well. Not only did he and Neville defeat Stardust and King Barrett, the Canadian actor showcased more moves than you might have expected, including going off the top turnbuckle to the floor in a spot that must have made the Arrow producers cringe just a tad.

So that’s that, right? Not necessarily. As Comic Book Resources recounts, Amell and Stardust have continued their verbal sparring on Twitter, which is where the WWE built up their feud in the first place.

That’s a funny analogy by Amell, by the way. He should tuck that one away for Season 3 of Arrow just in case Green Arrow is more of a wisecracking sort.

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This is likely headed to another wrestling match for Amell or else all involved would simply let it die. CBR also has the perfect guess for when it might happen: at next year’s WrestleMania (which will be 32, though the WWE has de-emphasized the numbers of late for some unknown reason), which is often a showcase for non-wrestlers to compete. That won’t take place until next April, but the WWE has both practice and expertise at promoting a feud that won’t pay off until months down the road, especially when the feud in question ends at WrestleMania.

Not only that, but it will give Amell more time to learn more of the craft, which will come in handy if he’s going mano e mano with Stardust next time. And it would be at or near the end of filming for Arrow Season 4, as last season finished shooting on April 19.

In other words, it almost makes too much sense not to happen. We’re not chiseling it in stone — remember folks, a wrestling card is always subject to change — but we’re at least pencilling Amell’s name in for WrestleMania. And we can’t wait.

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