Sailor Moon Crystal: Season four to be split into two movies

Sailor Moon Crystal season four will be divided into two films. 

Sailor Moon fans have been eagerly waiting for season four of Sailor Moon Crystal. It’s been a while since we’ve seen Usagi and the rest of her colorful crew. The last we saw of them was in 2016.

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The third season premiered in April 2016, which focused on the Death Busters arc (also known as the Infinity arc). So now we’re itching to see more from the Sailor Moon crew. It appears our wishes may finally be answered, but not in the way we thought.

In celebration of the franchise’s 25th Anniversary, it appears season four will ditch the traditional episodic format and instead opt for two theatrical films. This decision is indeed quite puzzling since we are used to the standard 12 to 14 episodes per season.

The two movies will continue to tell the story of the Sailor Moon Crystal manga. The fourth arc is titled “Dream” and will include the Dead Moon Circus. We saw a glimpse of the setup for the arc in the end of season three. With season four now being two movies, this would most likely require a lot of condensing and adjusting content-wise.

This can seem worrisome, as cuts sometimes cause backlash from fans. The good news is director Chiaki Kon from season three will return for season four. Perhaps Kon’s involvement could ease fans for what is to come.

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The reason for the change is currently unknown and no release date has been given at this moment. However, we can at least appreciate getting more Sailor Moon Crystal content, even if it’s not what we expected.