Batwoman star speaks on how casting of Javicia Leslie is a blessing

Batwoman -- "Through the Looking Glass" -- Image Number: BWN11B_0216b -- Pictured: Camrus Johnson as Luke Fox -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Batwoman -- "Through the Looking Glass" -- Image Number: BWN11B_0216b -- Pictured: Camrus Johnson as Luke Fox -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Batwoman star Camrus Johson, who plays Luke Fox on the show, has revealed how casting Javicia Leslie is a blessing for the show and its fans.

There has been a lot of dialogue about Batwoman season 2 as fans have been awaiting the new season of the latest Arrowverse show. It’s clear that star Camrus Johnson – who plays Luke Fox on the show – is as excited as the fans for its return.

During an interview with Inverse about his animated short film Grab My Hand: A Letter to My Dad, which has garnered him multiple awards and nominations, Johnson has opened up about how he feels about the recasting of the titular star of The CW show, adding that it’s a “blessing.” to be a part of a show with a Black female superhero

Ruby Rose, who played the original Batwoman aka Kate Kane, in the first season departed the show somewhat unexpectedly. Back in July, Javicia Leslie was announced as the new lead – Ryan Wilder – and would undertake the mantle of the next Batwoman in season 2.

Johnson was asked about his character and the dynamic between Luke Fox and Leslie’s Ryan Wilder. He revealed that it is challenging for Luke to do it “all over again” when it comes to developing a partnership with the new Batwoman.

He then revealed that he’s excited for fans to see Leslie suiting up as the new Scarlet Knight because of how important it is for representation, commenting:

"“Oh, she’s so awesome! I’m so, so excited to be working with her. I got to see her do a stunt and she broke into a huge smile before they even said cut. You could tell that the little Black girl in her was like ‘I cannot believe I’m Batwoman right now… I cannot wait for every other little Black girl in the world to be able to see her, to be able to see a Black female superhero in the Batsuit. It’s such a blessing to be in a show that can remind them that there are icons for them to look up to.”"

It sounds like Johnson is very eager for viewers to witness the new hero of the Arrowverse in action and already knows that Javicia Leslie will inspire a new generation of young people through her performance as Batwoman.

What are your thoughts on how things are shaping up for Batwoman season 2 next year? Are you looking forward to seeing Javicia Leslie as Batwoman? What do you think will happen on the show? Let us know in the comments below!