Corey Michaels

Corey Michaels

Corey is a contributor for Bam Smack Pow. He also writes for pro wrestling sites such as Wrestle Purists, Wrestling Observer Newsletter, and BodySlam. He's covered pro wrestling for over 3 years. A fan of superheroes and comic books, Corey has seen every MCU film in theaters and series on airing since Iron Man released in 2008. He also writes poetry, short stories, and hopes to publish novels someday.

Marvel's Ultimate Villain

The Ultimate MCU Fancasting for The Maker

Corey Michaels

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The Darkest Batman Story Ever Written | Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

A first-time reader's impression of Batman Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Corey Michaels

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Watchmen. Image Courtesy Warner Bros., DC Universe

Watchmen and Now: A modern look on a timeless classic

Corey Michaels

Why you should read Image's Write It In Blood graphic novel

Corey Michaels

The Penguin on HBO

The Penguin's most underrated character (so far)

Corey Michaels
Rogue (voiced by Lenore Zann) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.

The X-Men's Civil War for Charles Xavier's dream

Corey Michaels