Fans of Superman & Lois are preparing for the final season coming this fall, and there are a few things we’d love to see in the last year!
The CW has been in a major state of flux in the last few years, thanks to network upheaval and the cancellation of scores of shows. That includes the beloved Arrowverse with Superman & Lois eking out a renewal for a fourth and final season. That’s good, as the third season ended on a huge cliffhanger of Superman battling Doomsday.
Season 4 has changes like a big cast overhaul and only ten episodes. Yet, as we get ready to take off into it, here are ten things we’d love to see in Superman & Lois season 4 that would make this final year a great one for fans.

Reign of the Supermen
It appears that Superman survives his battle with Doomsday, but it may be a while before the world knows it. So this is a chance to do a spin on the “Reign of the Supermen” story, where four would-be copies of Superman arrive on the scene. We already have Jordan and Steel, so we’d need spins on the Cyborg and Eradicator.
It could be a big turn if the Cyborg turns out to be evil and another clash with Superman down the road. It can also play on the story’s main theme, which is that there’s only one true Superman the world respects. It’d be great to see this classic storyline get its due and serve as a reminder of how important Superman is.

A proper farewell to past characters
It’s no secret that season 4 has seen a massive cast culling, and here’s hoping they don’t just brush off the departures like they were nothing. We need to see if Lana and John Henry’s romance lasted and if Lana has continued as mayor. We can get an update on Chrissy and her baby and, of course, what’s happened with Sam.
There’s also Sarah discovering the Kents’ secrets, which should lead to more fun. It’ll be tricky but the show can’t just pretend these characters never existed, they need to get proper sendoffs to honor what they meant to viewers of the show.

Jimmy Olsen is great
Despite so many departures, we will get a familiar face as Superman’s pal Jimmy Olsen takes on the role of the Daily Planet photographer. Douglas Smith plays Jimmy, who is said to be more of an introvert but is trying to befriend Clark. While Mehcad Brooks played Jimmy on Supergirl to become a hero himself, it’ll be fun seeing a Jimmy closer to the original concept.
We need him a bit bumbling but throwing himself into danger, a top photographer, and slowly coming out of his shell. We need this character to live up to past portrayals and fit in nicely, aiding Lois in her own reporting work, so his introduction is worth the wait.

Supergirl arrives
This might be tricky; however, it’s been established the Earth of Superman & Lois is not that of the CW Supergirl show. That means we can have a different version of Kara Zor-El popping into things, perhaps as part of the “Reign of Supermen” to help out. It can also be Clark discovering his cousin, long lost and only now arriving on Earth to help her out.
We don't know if Melissa Benoist would be up for a return so a new actress would be needed. Yet it can be fun to bring in a new version of this heroine who can carry on the Superman legacy in her own way and a reminder of the fun show that birthed Superman & Lois.

Superboy Costume
Jordan becoming a hero in his own right is good, especially taking over with Superman gone. But he needs a much better costume than a dark suit and goggles. He needs a legit suit to fit his role as Superboy, not comics accurate, but something nice and stylish. It could show Jordan putting his own identity on it rather than just aping his dad (no cape?) and yet still paying tribute to his legacy. Building up Jordan as his own hero should be a key for season 4 and a costume is a good step toward that.

Jonathan Gets His Due
Jonathan has gotten a bit of a short stick when it comes to good storylines on the show. The “kryptonite steroid” subplot went nowhere and he seems more lost with Sarah gone. He needs a really compelling storyline, able to step up more to the plate than being in Jordan’s shadow.
The cast culling does give more opportunities for Jonathan to get more screen time, and with this being the last season, having him become a hero in his own right is a better move than letting him stagnate once more.

A terrifying Luthor
It appears Michael Cudlitz is going to be a major force in season 4, which makes sense, as you can’t have Superman without his iconic arch-enemy. But Cudlitz is going in a different direction than past Luthor actors who emphasized his smarts and cunning. Instead, he’s a hulking brute who’s out for payback on Clark and Lois, and the fun dynamic is it's Clark he has a beef with more than Superman.
We need a mix of the brains and brawn for Luthor, a man who can outwit anyone but also beat someone down in a fight. Cudlitz looks great in the role and hopefully, season 4 allows him to really cut loose and make this version of Luthor one of the all-time greatest takes on an iconic villain.

Some Great Chlois moments
Season 3 was rough on our main characters, with Lois’ cancer battle and Clark being distracted by various threats. We need to get back to what made this show work in the first place, the wonderful chemistry of the leads and the bond between Clark and Lois. The best parts of the show are them bonding and showing the great love they share with Tulloch and Hoechlin nailing the roles perfectly.
There’s sure to be drama this year with Clark near death and Lois having to cope without him. Hopefully, his return brings them together again and the show should end with the sight of the couple ready to face any challenges together with that wonderful romance on display.

An Arrowverse Farewell
The end of Superman & Lois is also the end of the Arrowverse. It’s been an incredible 12-year ride with scores of amazing shows that deserve a proper tribute. Granted, this is a different world than the other shows, but there are still plenty of links, and the producers need to recognize how fans will want to see a true farewell not just to S&L but the whole Arrowverse, too.
Maybe it’s too much to hope for cameos from Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, or others. But some sort of acknowledgment of this being the end of an era is needed as this closes out one of the most successful TV franchises ever. Maybe it’s not the grand epic event the Arrowverse deserves, but some nice goodbye would be great for fans.

Just nail the landing
A final season is always tricky, especially with just ten episodes to work with. At the end of the day, all fans want is a proper goodbye to this terrific show. Don’t go whole hog for spectacle, don’t try to cram twenty episodes of storyline into half that, just present a conclusion that honors the show and its characters.
Too many once-great series falter at the finish line and it’d be a shame to see Superman & Lois joining that list. At least the writers know this is the final year to craft it and hopefully, they give us a final season that’s as great as the previous three and send Superman & Lois off on a wonderful note.
Superman & Lois season 4 premieres Thursday, October 17 at 8/7c on the CW.