The 15 absolute best comic books of 2024 (so far)

It's time to look at the best comic books of 2024 so far and what made them great. DC, Image, and Marvel Comics all had stories to be proud of, but these 15 are the ones that stood out.
Action Comics #1067 foil variant cover by Eddy Barrows. Image courtesy DC Comics
Action Comics #1067 foil variant cover by Eddy Barrows. Image courtesy DC Comics /

It’s the time of year when we look at the best of the best. Comic books are no different. The first six months show the direction of teams, heroes, and villains. For example, the X-Men: Fall of X ends in June, and July starts their newest era, From the Ashes. Also in July, the DC Comics event Absolute Power begins.

With that in mind, the back half of 2024 is going to be a big one for the genre. But again, let's remember that we are half way through the year, so let's take this opportunity to reflect on the very best that comic books had to offer this year.

Before that, here is a quick rundown of titles you should look out for for the rest of this year.

Comics to watch out for going forward:

  • Saga
  • The Creature from the Black Lagoon Lives!
  • Storm
  • Green Arrow
  • Ultimate Black Panther
  • Ultimate X-Men
  • Space Ghost
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jason Aaron)

Now let's get into it and appreciate the best of the best in the comic book world. These fifteen comic books paved the way for the remainder of 2024.

Ultimate Spider-Man

Writer: Jonathan Hickman

Ultimate Spider-Man gives fans something they've always wanted. They're getting an adult and happy Peter Benjamin Parker. He's married to MJ and they have two kids. It's not just him, either. Uncle Ben is alive and his best friend is J. Jonah Jameson. Sure, Peter gets spider-powers and tries to become a hero, but that’s only part of the story. There’s something about seeing Peter learn about his powers as an adult. It’s cooler than if he was a teen.

Wonder Woman

Writer: Tom King

Wonder Woman is fighting a force that despises her. They’ve attempted to beat her physically, mentally, and emotionally, and they keep failing. You’d think this would get boring, but it hasn’t. It’s amazing seeing Wonder Woman defeat the odds every time. It’s a reminder that she’s among the elite heroes in any genre. And if you need to remember that, then read this story.


Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Chip Zdarsky's story is beating Bruce Wayne down worse than anything has before. Bruce is financially broke, down to a cabin in the woods and resources he has hidden away. Nevertheless, you can’t help but believe that Batman will come out of this better than ever. That’s why this series is special. You’re waiting for Chip Zdarsky to give you the fantastic ending he’s capable of.

Cobra Commander

Writer: Joshua Williamson

This series has no business being this great, but it makes sense. Joshua Williamson is a top-tier writer and it shows in Cobra Commander. He’s made Cobra Commander more than a second banana or a whining character. Williamson highlights his genius and drive to be in charge. This is easily the surprise comic book of the year.

Fantastic Four

Writer: Ryan North

This writer already explained why Fantastic Four is the most underrated comic book of the year, but he’ll repeat it here. Ryan North has shown why Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny are Marvel's First Family. And it isn't just the Fantastic Four. The supporting cast of Valeria, Franklin, Alicia, Jo-Venn, and N'Kalla help too. Together, they’ve made this book fantastic (pun intended) with adventures across the multiverse and homework that almost destroyed the world.


Writer: Joshua Williamson

If someone says Superman is boring because he’s too powerful, recommend this story. Joshua Williamson’s Superman puts the Man of Steel in impossible situations. He doesn’t overcome them with strength and powers alone. He uses intelligence and help from his team (including Lex Luthor) to win the day. It’s the perfect example of why Superman is an icon.


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Joshua Williamson is making a case for writer of the year. Williamson turned Duke into Steve Rogers. He sent Duke on the run after he was labeled a traitor and a murderer. It was like reading Captain America: Winter Soldier only Duke doesn't have the Super Soldier Serum. The only downside here is that this comic book was a mini-series. It would have been nice for this to be ongoing. It's that good.

Sensational She-Hulk

Writer: Rainbow Rowell

Jennifer Walters is a woman doing everything. As a lawyer, she’s getting her clients out of charges. After her work day is done, she's protecting people from danger and finding time to be with her boyfriend.

Sensational She-Hulk has action, comedy, and romance. It’s like Sex and the City but with more punching, superheroes, and a trip into outer space. There needs to be an animated project based on this story because I'm telling you we would watch it every day of the week.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight

Writer: Jed MacKay

There’s a Moon Knight comic book without Marc Spector and it’s good because of writer Jed MacKay. He knows how to build characters and make them interesting. This writer never thought he’d see the day when he cared about a comic featuring a D-list villain like 8-Ball, a former Hydra agent, or a random vampire that was recently introduced. Yet, here he is anticipating every Moon Knight new release.


Writer: Saladin Ahmed

Matt Murdock’s life as a lawyer is over. He’s now Father Matthew of the St. Nicholas Youth Home. And while he’s still Daredevil, his villains are more dangerous. He’s not just fighting supervillains. The Seven Deadly are inhabiting people and he has to exorcise them using the right prayer. It’s become a physical test and one of his faith. It’s a nice twist to a classic character.


Writer: Tom Taylor

Nightwing could end 2024 being the hero of the year. Like all antagonists, he’s overcome impossible odds. That's standard superhero stuff. What’s made this series special are the other aspects of his personality.

Readers get to see Dick Grayson the man improving Bludhaven and how the city has embraced NIghtwing the hero. In short, Tom Taylor made Nightwing everything Bruce Wayne and Batman are supposed to be. Bruce even admits this in Nightwing 111 and 112.


Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson

This is the Transformers project fans have been craving. The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on with unexpected deaths and more violence than any of their projects. The best part of this is Optimus Prime. He has the leadership, motivation, and fighting intelligence of Captain America. He could become the hero of the year.

The Displaced

Writer: Ed Brisson

A natural disaster leads to the mystery of the year. A town disappears and no one remembers anyone who lived there. Even the survivors are forgotten by people they've know for years. Learn the lengths people will go to in order to survive when they're forgotten. It's a compelling tale that is as thought-provoking as it it gripping.

The Fall of X

Various writers

Mutants' most prosperous era turned deadly during the 2023 Hellfire Gala. Now, it’s time for the X-Men to fight back. Throughout various X-Titles, the mutants of Krakoa battle to stay alive and defeat Orchis. Unfortunately, winning comes with a cost.

Wolverine: Sabretooth War

Sometimes comic book writers make grandiose promises that aren't kept. Those writers aren’t Victor LaValle and Benjamin Percy. Those two promise an epic event and deliver. Wolverine: Sabretooth War isn’t all about violence either. See, Sabretooth is more than a beast, and you get to see that here, learning how he is an underrated planner and why he truly hates Wolverine.

Next. Marvel Comics characters return from the dead and more comic book news. Marvel Comics characters return from the dead and more comic book news. dark

What comic books have you been reading? Are there others that should have made this list? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Instagram and Twitter.