The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 3

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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Futures End #1

Writer: Scott Lobdell / Artists: Scott Kolins / Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cam Smith, Mike Atiyeh

Official Synopsis

Red Hood rides solo in the future as he reveals hints to how the Outlaws and his partners Starfire and Arsenal parted ways and how that led to Jason Todd’s new mission of retribution and brutal justice.

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

To me, this was one of the most enjoyable issues so far in the Futures End September Event series.  It might also be the fact that the Red Hood is acting kind of like the Punisher.  Without giving too much away, the whole issue is like a revenge tale.  The overall art felt a bit inconsistent, which is strange because there was only one artist.  Action scenes looked great, but there were some quieter scenes that made the characters look like they were from a humor magazine.  If you enjoy bad guys getting psychologically tortured before they get their due, this story will definitely be up your ally.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • At the beginning, the Red Hood is wanted for the killing of the corrupt mayor and Red Arrow is sent to retrieve him.
  • The Red Hood goes after Morgan Edge.
  • No current tie-in with Futures End.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 3 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: