The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 3

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Supergirl: Futures End #1

Writer: Antony Bedard / Artists: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Hi-Fi / Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cam Smith, Dan Brown

Official Synopsis

At last, Supergirl reconciles with her father, Cyborg Superman…in the most horrific way possible!

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

Supergirl: Futures End #1 is more of a romance tale wrapped in an action story.  This issue could’ve benefited from some twists.  It seems that some character conflicts were overcame much too easily.  In that sense, I felt that the happy ending was undeserved.  Unlike the other Futures End September Event issues, I was pleasantly surprised that with three artists working together, the character rendering were pretty consistent.  Going into this story, I had hoped that Supergirl would be treated a bit more different.  But it seems that the authors almost always have to give Supergirl a romantic bent.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • Cyborg Superman (Herald One) and Cyborg Supergirl (now called Herald Two) go to Wichita, Kansas to seek out a species that matches the genetic potential of a Kryptonian — Neo Sapiens.
  • Captain Comet intervenes and attempt to communicate with whatever is left of Kara.
  • Captain Comet is able to get through to Kara.  She turns on Cyborg Superman.
  • The Wanderers are called in by Captain Comet to assist Supergirl.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 3 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: