The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 3

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Wonder Woman: Futures End #1

Writer: Charles Soule / Artists: Rags Morales, Jose Marzan Jr., Batt / Cover: Tom Raney, Pete Pantazis

Official Synopsis

Her humanity lost forever, Wonder Woman embraces her true nature as the God of War to battle the armies of Nemesis!

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

We once again find Wonder Woman trying to reconcile her new place as the God of War.  The great part about this story is that Wonder Woman’s conflict in embracing her new status isn’t just shown through dialogue.  We see her proactively trying to make peace with her enemies.  Her reluctance to become the God of War, only makes eventual acceptance that much more compelling.  The art is emjoyable for this issue.  In scenes that span a large area (e.g. landscapes, distant views of armies, etc.), the drawings look great.  But close-up shots of faces could’ve used a bit more work and better execution.  Overall, this was a strong Wonder Woman story that had some good character development.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • Wonder Woman, as the God of War, has raised an army of famous former warriors and soldiers.
  • Wonder Woman attempted to make piece with Nemesis.
  • Nemesis was able to turn Napoleon Bonaparte into one of her agents.
  • Because this issue is a prequel to Superman / Wonder Woman: Futures End #1, there is a connection to the events of Futures End.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 3 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: