The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 3

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Batman and Robin: Futures End #1

Writer: Ray Fawkes / Artists: Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs / Cover: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, John Kalisz

Official Synopsis

Bruce continues to feel the fallout from his extreme new crime fighting methods, but is he ready to face the might of Heretic?

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

Another self-contained Batman story that is heavy on action, but light on writing.  This issue gave me mixed feelings.  On one hand, the story moves fast.  But on the other, it felt empty and uninspired.  There were no twists or mysteries to really make me feel invested.  It also visits the same Batman conflict — I don’t want to get my sidekick involved because of a past trauma.  The action was entertaining and Batman’s brutal fighting skills are certainly on display here.  If you want to pass some time, this is a very light read.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • A new Robin functions as Batman’s sidekick — someone by the name of Duke.
  • Robin disobeys orders and saves Batman.
  • No current tie-in with Futures End.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 3 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: