The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 3

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Batman/Superman: Futures End #1

Writer: Greg Pak / Artists: Jack Herbert, Cliff Richards, Vicente Cifuentes / Cover: Aaron Kuder

Official Synopsis

A new super being seeks out Batman–a creature born of hate whom the broken Bat may not last long against!

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

A Batman and Superman story without Superman.  This was basically a character piece on how the world, especially Bruce Wayne, is dealing with Superman’s absence.  Much of the story is done through introspection which makes it sort of slow.  The one positive thing about this issue is the art.  In panels with little action, the art has a great layered look to it, almost like a cross between a pastel drawing with a photograph.  If you’re looking for how other characters are dealing with Superman’s self-imposed exile, this is the issue to read.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • Batman did something during the war, and this causes a rift between him, Superman, and the rest of the Justice League.
  • I never knew Metallo could overload on kryptonite.
  • This has one of the more stronger tie-ins with Futures End as it emphasizes the disappearance of Superman.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 3 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: